No Pain, No Gain Is A Myth; Fitness And Bodybuilding Performed Correctly Is Not Painful
No Pain, No Gain Is A Myth; Fitness And Bodybuilding Performed Correctly Is Not Painful

Friday • May 3rd 2024 • 11:53:49 pm

No Pain, No Gain Is A Myth; Fitness And Bodybuilding Performed Correctly Is Not Painful

Friday • May 3rd 2024 • 11:53:49 pm

“No pain no gain” is a myth made up by bro science lords, that visit the gym for a week each year, and muse poetic about their suffering.

The other myth of sets and reps plays into that as well, nonsense like “lift to failure” or “super-sets” prevents a proper workout.

It will cause some temporary discomfort as it shuts you down, way too early, preventing your body to swiftly adapting.

Sure, it will hurt if you run into a wall head first, but you also won’t achieve anything.

And yes, the first week at the gym will ache as heck, but only because your muscles were in a dormant state, a sickly state.

Once you awaken them, you don’t even remember the pain of the first week or two.

Unless, week or two is all the working out you will do for that year, but then you just trick yourself into thinking that working out is painful.

This is exactly the root of the “no pain, no gain” myth, the initial aches fade away after a couple of weeks.

There is another ache, and it comes from dehydration, it is a charlie horse, except it may happen in your back.

A charlie horse in your back will hurt really bad, but you still have to come to the gym, and do a micro motion workout.

First of all, you need a bed with lifted back and feet, like in hospitals, what is good for the recovering back surgery patient is good for you.

Then you pull your self out on a chain, and kind of belly dance, then you make your way back to the gym.

And micro dance with light dumbbells, you have to keep going until your back warms up.

And here your range of motion will increase every day, and your back may let you go just after three days.

Get a blood pressure monitor before adding electrolytes to your diet, make sure that it works by testing your blood pressure at a pharmacy.

And then add vegetable juice to your diet, making sure that your blood pressure does not rise.

There are millions of reasons for aches, of all different kinds, but I would say the big reason for back pain.

Is sleeping on a flat bed while being obese, you need a hospital bed, and a daily workout to get the fat out of your body.

There is another kind of pain, the really stupid kind.

I can lift 30 pounds per hand to the beat of very slow songs, but that is 60 pounds on my spine area, it is stupid to even try.

When you lift 5 pounds per hand, that is only 10 pounds, that is the weight you lose by the time you can lift 5 pounds for an hour.

10 pounds vs 60 pounds, is a 50 pound difference, and I would call that sever danger and stupid, reckless.

The army has people running with 40 pound packs, the firefighters, should be able to carry the weight of a man in some gear.

But that eats away at your health, this is what you are getting paid for, back problems, bad knees, strange aches.

At the gym, you are meant to lift towards health, not towards spending your body.

I don’t know what the limits are exactly, but if you gradually increase your weights over the course of a couple of years.

From 3 pounds for an hour non-stop, to 5 for two hours, to 8 for three hours, then to 10 for three hours, and then 15 maybe for four hours…

Your body will tell you to just stay where you are, you probably won’t want to lift 20 pounds per hand.

And in addition to that, the higher you go in weight, the less fat you burn.

At 5 pounds of no stop dancing, you are on firer, but at 15 you are no longer moving as quickly as you can with 5 pounds.

You are lifting fewer times, burning less fat, and putting on more muscle.

And, there is the injury kind of pain, and you can heal while working out by going around it.

By switching to a slightly different routine, this works well for shoulder blades, but not so good for your feet.

I hurt my foot, and hoping that it would go away, I took a half dose of a popular anti-ache medicine for a few days.

And while why foot did not hurt as much, all I was doing, is preventing the injury from healing.

The nature of this injury was that I was dancing with dumbells, for two hours, always, always, always, leading with my right foot.

I only learned the dance move on the right side of my body, one of my feet was getting more banged up than the other.

The solution to that, is practicing the dance move with the other foot as primary.

So now, I am able to dance leading with left and right foot, and I am able to spread out the pressure, letting one foot rest.

Stomach ache, comes from cheap protein, that contains lactose.

Even if you are lactose tolerant, there may be initial discomfort, from introducing lactose, and shifting your diet.

You need to keep testing out different protein products, the lactose content will vary, the smart manufacturer will remove it.

Overall, you can just get your protein from some meat and peanuts.

Vegetarian protein however is expensive, so that would call for supplementation with the powdered one.

The serving size is based on your weight, so it is very inaccurate, you just have have to figure out what works.

If you are large, you already have muscles, you need to burn the fat.

If you are eating protein because it tastes like candy, you need to rethink your diet, eat some lean meat.

Finally, blisters, first of all, they happen initially, and don’t really repeat.

So it is like your skin getting used to a more active lifestyle, but bad shoes will get you anyway.

You can try thick winter socks for hunters, to protect your foot from the shoe, but that will result tin moisture.

Dancing with dumbbells for three hours, while wearing thick wet socks, will get you somehow.

Recognize three features that all shoes have, and get the combination right.

A shoe with a large or wide toe box, may actually prevent your toes from having any contact with the shoe.

Zero drop shoes, have no heat, they are flat, and that means you won’t strike your ankle while dancing.

A high heal, as you may see in foam sole shoes, will very often hurt you in days, it will cause a heel bump, a deformity.

Please, trim your foot claws, to protect them from getting pulled up by your socks during exercise.

And if you do lose one, always have an ingrown toenail kit on you.

Ingrown toenails happen because when you lose your first toenail, the skin around it will gently collapse.

The new toenail growing back, will now bite into that skin, make suer that it has a smooth ride, that it will slowly push against the collapsed skin.

Be careful when mixing jogging and bodybuilding by means of dancing with dumbbells, because blisters from the new routine you are adding, may halt the other.

And lastly, bodybuilding is an endurance activity, where you start with tree pounds for 15 minutes…

And gradually increase your endurance to lift for an hour or more, non-stop and start increasing the dumbbell weight.

The longer the workout, the louder the message and quicker the results, the heavier the dumbbells the bigger the muscles.

You get two gadgets that help you in your exercise, a vibrating interval timer that will gradually help you get to the full hour workout.

And music, that when fresh, will bring you, distraction, and energy, enter a dance trance, by simply lifting to the beats of songs.

Sets and reps, super-sets, are all just bro science, the fundamental model for bodybuilding is jogging with progressivelly heavier dumbbells.

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