Due Up
Due Up

Tuesday • June 11th 2024 • 11:58:59 pm

Due Up

Tuesday • June 11th 2024 • 11:58:59 pm

You never return from adventure, as that is simply not possible.

Every, honest, step forward, changes you.

No way in heck, are you well without adventure.

Each time you pack, you begin feeling better.

A single motion towards it, helps you recover.

Shopping for a backpack, is already a celebration.

First of all, this thing about being unwell…

We are each, very dear to the universe.

Conscious thriving life, so as long as it dreams infinities, brings the Universe its meaning.

Otherwise, it’s just rocks and singularities, interesting, but neither enchanting nor inspiring.

Not on the levels, that we must aim for.

To use an astrophysicist as an example, attrition and simplicity is good for science.

But it is not how we work, our dreaming must be the opposite.

We are not to hope for ultimate simplicity, and the spaghetti-ficiation of every molecule.

We are cure aging, explore the Milky Way, diverge biologically and converge on wisdom.

We don’t to study the fundamental principles, to refine the universal constants.

But to ride the asteroids, for their shields.

And panspermia the heck, out of every distant habitable planet.

We can send life in microscopic capsules, today, it is a challenge, but not fantasy.

Ethics do play a role, we will do our best.

DNA based life should be guaranteed to thrive, it should span multiple planets.

That is the real job of the astrophysicist, dreams towards complexity.

And such is the case, with the rest of us.

Earth, as we have it today, is a poverty driven planet.

And we have to understand, that this is wrong.

That before you worry about economic collapse, you need to have an authentic economy.

Not a half baked semi-random machine, that everyone pretends to understand.

The precious thing about Human Beings, is that not defined my our mistakes.

But what we do with them, we may not merely exist in the world.

Overworked, watching wars, division, repetitions of old mistakes, and creation of new misunderstandings.

That is not who we are, we are to shrug, and rise, and grow all the way up.

The human aim is to converge on greatness, in a colorful super-culture, that only contains good ideas.

What is dangerous here, is that we can handle a lot of weight.

Without noticing, that it is there.

Countless lives have been lived, with the mistaken understanding that we are living in the world.

Where the truth is, we make the world what it is.

Failing to understand this, will randomly walk the world towards more mistakes and destruction.

To shrug, means to rise above the common errors of the world, and gain a view that allows for repairing it.

We can’t tolerate the propagation of errors, as that hurts the people that we should honor and protect.

The younger generations, they are not meant to become occasional soldiers.

In random soup of economies, and fake-it-until-you-make-its, people in less fortunate nations should not be confined to them.

As that creates the fuel, that eventually makes dictators believe in their own propaganda.

It is not a question of cardinal directions, but the future and the past.

Note how, science would be less prone to misuse, had the world collectively ensured that we all grew up.

Scientific advancements become corrupted, not by the inventors, but those we left in the past being intentionally misled.

Exactly what you would expect from false leader, desperate lies, desperate manipulation, and desperate promises.

All at the cost of young people, whom we are charged with protecting.

Even on the tiniest of scales, at home.

What does it mean to send a child to school, knowing that schools are ineffective.

And merely expecting to get a decent babysitter, and a socialized teenagers.

Whilst ignoring, the stress, and resulting drug use they will be exposed to.

That is not allowed, a parent’s job is not to live in the crapshoot of mediocrity.

Set by worthless teachers and principals, as they themselves try to do as little as possible. For maximum gain.

That all too often does end in a mandatory draft, you can’t wait until all is almost lost.

You have to prevent, prevention is a power that rewrites, what becomes human history.

A parent, on their first parent teacher conference, must demand authentic results.

Not the memorization of the multiplication table, but the simple ability to program in a simple language.

And with each lesson that follows, things that build on top of that.

Not towards some random generic end, such as arbitrary graduation.

But the creation of a start-up, and an exit from poverty.

Real beginnings, with meaningful steps, create meaningful futures.

They’ll learn optometry, as they develop their first games.

Music composition, as they build their first Digital Audio Station.

Biology, as they simulate the life, and astrophysics, as they take to the stars in their pixel craft.

We will not do ourselves disservice, if we view our tolerance of broken things as an evolutionary adaptation.

The creature that does not blindly listen to the guardian, gets eaten.

That is great if your enemy is a Hippo, not so great…

If your enemy is a melange of mistakes, humanity cannot help but to repeat.

Just like atomic research, in the previous century, now AI will be used for war.

Not because that is what humans are, we are not war machines.

But because, we blindly accept what is in front of us.

And politicians, take advantage of that, doing nothing to make repairs.

Adventure pulls you out; of the sleeve that you were born into.

It gives you room to learn from clear thinking non-religious great beings, to accept your authentic intellectual inheritance.

Today you can ask a computer program to write an equally valid argument, for both sides of an argument.

To understand which is a manipulation, a hallucination, and which is correct.

Generations must resume, at where the greatest beings of previous generations left off.

The real human history, is a dance away from simple fantasies, and terrible mistakes, to a complex network of wisdom.

That we should each understand and treasure, to make our own.

On a smaller scale the wisdom ends our fear, helps us put tragedies to rest.

On the greater scale, helps us see all of humanity as a single family.

With parts being isolated, and purposefully kept in the past, or warped, lo create leverage and a felling of power, for tiny little men.

Who were merely born into leadership, or got sucked into power vacuums that then corrupted their already feeble minds.

When you light your evening fire, what you have been pressed into, loosens its hold over you.

The setting sun, and your philosophy books, will help you begin constructing your own model of the world.

Imperfect in parts that don’t move you, and sharp at the cross roads that call to you.

With the aid of great thinkers, and long hiking trail, you come undone from the culture you were born into.

And you become what you really are, what every human being is…

An Equal Citizen Of The Wold, charged to grow, in dignity and wisdom…

All the way up, until they become a unique great being.

With a legacy, to help others begin, where our mistakes and bad ideas are left behind in the past.

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