Rinkydink Doublethink
Rinkydink Doublethink

Tuesday • June 7th 2022 • 2:32:49 pm

Rinkydink Doublethink

Tuesday • June 7th 2022 • 2:32:49 pm

The world is meant to be a safe and happy place, and human beings are not born evil,
the worst things you read about on the news, have a very clear explanation.

We are tolerating an overwhelming number of errors in our cultures and minds,
and it is those error that slowly fracture or unravel otherwise brilliant minds.

The biggest error we are tolerating is war, military service, and weapons manufacturing,
weapons of mass destruction which are developed to destroy entire city blocks.

But there are countless others, there are so many of them, that people lose their minds,
grades are a mistake, because we are all equally smart.

Even saying “Oh, he is an amazing artist” is a horrible mistake,
because all it takes to become an artist is a series of tutorials, not some imaginary genius.

The little star stickers in kindergarten are as stupid,
as the same kinds of starts that we hand to bat-shit crazy murderous generals.

Blind obedience is part of the problem,
the world needs wisdom and brilliant flourishing minds.

In our weakness, out of being overwhelmed, confused, tricked to serve,
blood sucking parasite ghouls that promise free money for college that should be free...

We are all under the influence of this crushing confusion and broken promises,
for example, for many decades we have known about climate change - but we have done nothing, absolute minimum, is nothing.

There is a way to stop this,
and that is to grow up knowing that tolerating all those crazy mistakes...

Is a way, to get us, to serve all the lying parasitic ghouls,
that manipulated their way into politics, all around the world.

It won’t be until it is too late,
that you will realize war and politics never changes.

If you can just stop tolerating errors and mistakes,
from poverty to fake schools, then you can change the world.

Your generation will need clear to understand visual programming based software,
that will automatically manage neighborhoods, cities, states, and later nations.

You need to correctly distribute food, and provide powerful universal basic income,
that will help the local economies flourish in ways that not even the best politicians could arrange for.

Politics, is just a game of who is who, and name recognition,
and kindergarten star stickers, a game of lies, death and misery.

Political culture is not that far off from slavery, just look at prisons and the second part of the 13th amendment,
it is not that far off from mass killings, just look a the military recruiting teenagers.

Politics is an old culture, that will only ever let you build a house of cards,
to be blown away when the dictators run out o armies to fight for their anti-depressant induced fantasies.

It has always been about you stepping on the politicians,
rising so far above them, that they will bellow in mad laughter at heir own damn selves and their wasted lives.

You have to write the program, that will help humanity rise above the liars,
the killings, the slavery, the recruitment of children into military, and manufacturing of weapons of mass destruction.

Your generation, cannot rely on the politics of the previous, because, all of it is wrong,
that’s why you can’t find any one singe thing to fix, because it is all the things.

Chances are that you have already accepted some of the madness...
grades perhaps.

Without thinking too much about it,
you might have already accepted they are a measure of your intelligence.

Though at the same time, you were not really learning,
just repeating and memorizing like everyone else.

You might have already accepted bullies as a fact of life,
you don’t know to call the police, maybe because you don’t want their fathers to beat them even more.

But you need to stop, stop assuming that the things you can’t understand are correct,
you need to stop right now, before the countless mistakes start unraveling your mind too.

The world that you were born into is an impossible to understand mesh work of mistakes,
and when you accept them as reality, nothing will ever make sense, ever again.

Rather than believing in whatever culture you were born into,
or the politics of whatever country, religion, or family you were born into.

Take to the books held in the highest esteem by all the worlds intellectuals,
and grow up in the culture of understanding, instead.

Do not propagate the mesh work of mistakes, forward,
to grow up means to grow all the way up, until you become a great being.