How To Make The Best Of High School
How To Make The Best Of High School

Thursday • May 2nd 2024 • 12:27:22 am

How To Make The Best Of High School

Thursday • May 2nd 2024 • 12:27:22 am

All subjects and topics between Math, Biology, and Physics, require knowledge of programming so that you can simulate what you are learning.

Art demands that you use the screen projector, on a 50 inch canvas, learn design and photo manipulation, to study colors and shapes.

You music education is very important, and requires that you learn how to use a beat sequencer and piano roll.

Entry into composition takes less than a week, and music theory should be the last thing you learn.

It is just a protocol for cookie cutter music and orchestra, to understand it in full you must compose by ear first.

And the only path towards improving your reading, Writing and Comprehension, is frequent hiking and camping while listening to Narrated books.

In fact your real graduation, requires the crossing of the Triple Crown, the Appalachian, Pacific Crest, and Continental Divide Trails.

Your biggest test in High School, is whether or not you cram, or memorize without comprehension, under the threat of a bad GPA.

If you sacrifice your integrity in high school, your graduation will be inauthentic.

And which is more you will sentence those who follow, to tolerate ineffective education, thus betraying the younger generations.

You must protect your dignity, your integrity build your character, and never take the easier wrong over the harder right.

You must not tolerate inauthentic or fake education, and never memorize to pass a tests that only enables lairs and cheaters.

School is a gift to you, from great beings, and many will come to neuter and stain it.

To turn it into a profit machine, or little liar factory, or little bully factory, or cannon fodder factory.

Great beings do not live forever, only their legacies do, no day should pass when you are not listening to books written by great beings.

You have their permission to steal them, to copy them, to pirate them, to make them you own, and to fright for them, and to relentless share them.

The clear thinking great beings, see you as the greatest power, they do not write for the middle aged, they write for you.

To spare you the mistakes that they had to solve, so that their aches and pains count for more.

And to guarantee, that you too child, grow all the way up, and become a great being.

But make no mistake, no one is granted a moment of rest, you have already been charged with protecting the future of humanity.

You are already a keeper of the truth, and you are to face the liars, pretenders, and the vile and unauthentic.

With courage, and knowing that you are in service of humanity first, you are a citizen of the world, the protector of the future.

You are thus, forbidden from destroying yourself in the process, you are to rise, to thrive, and to defeat the liars with your wisdom and greatness.

The the loud protests around the world, only lead to tragic endings and the loss of the greatest of hearts.

You are the keeper of the flame of knowledge, wisdom and greatness, the flame that kindles creativity, the flame that does future justice.

That flame must burn bright, do not step into the streets, victorious warriors win fir st, and then go to war.

You are on the beautiful site of history, It is the liars that should desperateness seek to win.

Do not delay, go find your narrated books right now, start with Giants of Philosophy and The Story Of Philosophy.

And don’t stop, until you come to the end.

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