Language Games; Or, On Ludwig Wittgenstein's Search For The Universal Theory
Language Games; Or, On Ludwig Wittgenstein's Search For The Universal Theory

Sunday • January 1st 2023 • 10:48:56 pm

Language Games; Or, On Ludwig Wittgenstein's Search For The Universal Theory

Sunday • January 1st 2023 • 10:48:56 pm

“Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muß man schweigen.” -- Ludwig Wittgenstein

When Ludwig Wittgenstein said, "If a lion could speak, I would not be able to understand him."

He meant that the world of lions, including the concepts that lions communicate among each other.

Are so alien, to the average person, that even if Lions could speak perfect English.

We would not be able to comprehend the meaning of concepts, that they would be trying to communicate to us.

This is a very big deal, because communication, comprehension, and contradiction-free integration of ideas, are some of the major concerns of Philosophy.

Concept Integration is a fundamental component, of Effective Education.

Effective Education being our only means to acquisition of Knowledge, inheritance and later synthesis of wisdom, and the resulting quest for greatness.

Greatness is just a way of saying, becoming a grown up, or, growing all the way up.

Richard Feynman has wonderfully demonstrated, what it would be like for a Lion to Speak, when he was asked about magnets.

Mr. Feynman hints that we need to start learning about Physics, in order to gain the base understanding required for comprehending his explanation of Magnets.

Perhaps in his quiet moments Ludwig Wittgenstein would find serenity, in not trying to bridge incompatible bubbles of concepts with an ultimate theory of Logic.

Instead he embraced that different groups, hold different beliefs, that are all largely incompatible.

But, in the broader field of Philosophy, communication, comprehension, and integration still remain as important as ever.

When these concerns are brought into the real word, Wittgenstein’s original search for the ultimate system of understanding resurfaces.

While, it is true that the world is divided into bubbles of unique often incompatible concepts, I also I believe his initial quest for Universalism was valid.

However, the coherent, integrated theory of contradiction-free concepts, was not yet available to him, and it is still not believable to us.

A system of understanding will never be flexible enough, to contain Humanity.

For like Descartes’ individualism, was the old way to out Ludwig, the inventing of the ultimate system of comprehension, is the old way for us.

The future demands, that every human being accepts the responsibility, for their own profound, authentic, and effective Education.

Be it self education, by means of listening and re-listening 10,000 wise narrated books, or some other equally powerful means.

Equipped with real and effective knowledge, all human cultures will begin abandoning bad ideas to history…

And converging in wisdom and greatness, on world peace, prosperity, and unending pursuits of our noblest curiosities.

In unity, our then, Universal Culture, will also double as the theory of the Human reality and all of its, then integrated, concepts.