Growing Up: It Is All About Your Brilliance
Growing Up: It Is All About Your Brilliance

Wednesday • January 26th 2022 • 3:36:40 pm

Growing Up: It Is All About Your Brilliance

Wednesday • January 26th 2022 • 3:36:40 pm

Wherever you go there you are,
but you must also grow.

It will be the new you,
the you that is most true to you.

Therefore, wherever you go,
you will grow.

You always grow,
and you grow faster the more you know.

Do not stop,
do not let anybody or anything stop you from growing up.

There is a danger lurking here,
because well wishing people will try to cut you off from your future.

It almost always works too,
you hear people quietly mutter “I can't, I can’t I have a job now”.

A boy turned to a 62 year old balding man, who never smiles,
wondering where he lost his youth.

Youth is lost by not growing all the way up,
by not standing up for who you are.

It happens when we get tricked into giving up,
we then stop rising, and maybe even fall.

We are not allowed to become our parents, or older siblings,
or anyone from the older generation.

We are not to travel the roads of the previous generations,
we must grow from where they left off.

All it's all for,

Their false advice, is not their fault,
they got cut off too.

If they knew, like everyone else, the best they could say, is
“How were we supposed to know?”.


That you have a precious right,
to rise all the way up, in Knowledge and Wisdom.

It takes little more than a Library and a Park Bench, but I hope your starts are better,
it always works out in the end, your brilliance id to our dark ages as oxygen to the earth.

Fight for your path in Life and the Universe,
because you can’t rewind back your life, and try again.

Don't get mad, don't be sad,
simply travel your unlimited steps.

This is the beginning,
this is not how things are meant to be.

The Universe has just burst out of the singularity,
the stars that we see, are the initial sparks of that explosion.

The universe will last for a long time after all the stars fade out,
the stars are just the beginning.

You will only happen once,
your Heart, your Mind, Your Spirit and Might, and Wisdom and Greatness...

And above all your precious brilliance,
the light that pushes back the dark ages.

All have a right to flourish,
and it will take the brilliance of all.

That Humanity in its collective incompetence born of lack of experience,
chose to power the world with stupid Poverty.

Must have no bearing on your brilliant life,
as day will come when World Poverty will end.

We will look at out dirty hands; Pollution, Climate Change, Suffering, War,
extinction of the Tiger, Giant Panda, White Rhinoceros, Sumatran Orangutan.

And poverty will end,
with a simple piece of plastic.

And on that day, you are not to stand uneducated,
you are to stand a great being, and travel unlimited steps.

The fantasy is that Humanity wants to be poor,
so that it is moved by the threat of hunger and the park bench.

The fantasy is not,
the Universal Income card,

The stupid idea of working our way out of poverty
will eventually become extinguished.

Whatever is built on top of the bubble of wage slavery,
will implode and cease to exist.

It is the technological interconnectedness of the people,
that will imbue humanity with the necessary wisdom to see it self outside of wage slavery.

You are to stand proud,
on the day that Humanity will begin advancing at the pace, that is worthy of it.

No matter, NO MATTER,
when that day will come.

You are not to allow anyone to cut you off,
from the existence that is worthy of you.

No matter their mistakes,
shortfalls, misunderstandings, confusion, or indoctrination.

There are no more sacred things in the universe
that a life lived without bowing down to other peoples mistake.


You are not the reason why poverty exists,
you are not the reason for anybody else's poverty.

And you are not the answer to their cries of poverty,
you are not property, you are not a slave, you are not to wash feet, and your life is your own.

Whatever you are born into,
is probably all wrong.

You will find the correct observations, answers, and directions,
across a thousand of the world’s most beloved-and-life-changing books.

You have to reach out on your own,
your education is your own responsibility.

Blindly trusting and following other peoples' good intentions, and paths less traveled by, high school and college, all all the other half measures,
will only indoctrinate you to accept massive loans, and meaningless jobs or careers, that will make you old and weak.

You are a Creator, Thinker, Dreamer,
you are a learner.

Music Composition, Painting, Programming, And Great Enlightening Outdoor Expeditions,
are but a single tutorial away.

You are Holy, and Your Life is Precious,
and it is meant to be a life of Wisdom and Greatness.

You are to rise outside of, any and all, invisible prisons walls,
and you are not to stop cure the lepers in other peoples heads.

There is nothing you can do for any one individual in particular,
to make things better, use your Greatness to set a new course for the Entire World.

And it is not your fault,
it is not your fault.

Humanity is nowhere as developed as we think it is,
as beautiful as our days, the dark ages, have not yet come to a close.

And it is not your fault,
it is not your fault.

But you are our light, our hope,
and you are our dream of a bright future.

You must not serve as another brick in the wall,
as another cog in the primitive machinery of wage slavery.

The only power that can lift the world out of the dark ages,
is your Brilliance, along with the brilliance of your entire generation.

The universal income card does not cause debt,
and it draws infinite funds from the improved future of All Human Kind.

It needs not to be feared,
liberty is not to be feared.

Stress and addiction,
and the so called cures, are what we should fear.

Sending people to live under the bridge;
is what we should fear.

Lifting them out of poverty,
by the bootstraps of their improved future selves - Is A Gift.

No matter what you are told,
do not stop, do not let anybody cut you down or off.

Your brilliance is not your fault,
it is your gift.

Do not repeat the mistakes of the previous generation,
and begin at the highest of heights they have reached.

To be Human, is to grow,
that is how you are supposed to know.

Do not hesitate, do not look back,
look to the future.