If You Got A Tailbone You Need A Tail
Thursday • October 20th 2022 • 11:12:42 pm
Research has proven, time and again…
That if all you got is a tailbone, than your tail is probably gone.
So we need to have a tail talk, especially if you like to walk.
Before we get into the details, know that humans need tails.
Tails help us distribute our weight, and help our backs feel great.
And all the clever animals have tails, from squirrels and cats to whales.
So you better get a tail fast, and better get one that will last.
And you need to get a tail, that matches your scale.
A little tail is not enough, yes, getting the right size can be tough.
Research reveals that with a tail, we simply cannot fail.
Tails make us super smart, they help us with science and art.
A tail goes well with any outfit to boot, it pairs with shorts or a smart business suit.
If you care to run your own test, wearing one on Halloween is probably best.
But if you want to be mighty and strong, you should definitely just wear one all year long.