Fitness, Step One: Replace Your Kitchen With A Fitness Zone
Fitness, Step One: Replace Your Kitchen With A Fitness Zone

Monday • June 24th 2024 • 11:42:37 pm

Fitness, Step One: Replace Your Kitchen With A Fitness Zone

Monday • June 24th 2024 • 11:42:37 pm

Let’s just assume, that you are quite large.

Hoping to get fit, as soon as possible.

If you just start jogging, right now…

It will be hell, and you could hurt your knees.

It would be too depressing, to continue.

And you or anybody else, would have to give up trying.

If you do give up, you have to understand.

That you are giving up, some 40 years of your life.

It will be a gnarly, and predictable ending.

And the future you, on your last day, will hate you and your weakness.

Your entire existence, will feel wrong, at the wrong angle.

Giving up, is not really an option.

Because your life, is yours to live, and love, and enjoy.

If you can’t give up, because of future of self hare.

And can’t go hard, because it will be torture.

What you have left, is to be nice to yourself.

And the one word, that will always come to goose you.

Is “Gradual”, as in gradual change, or gradual adaptation.

You are to gradually ease yourself in without any workout shock.


If you are familiar with the term, computer hacking.

You need to hack your will, into a permanent fitness lifestyle.

Now, let me warn you, being nice, does not mean being very rational.

So get ready, because instant change, will make things get weird.

But before the weirdness, I will give you good news.

Like really good news, amazing news about your body.

If you are large and fat, it means you are a hidden bodybuilder.

In fact, you know the recipe for bodybuilding.

(And here is that word again)

Exposing your muscles to, to gradual rise in weight.

Now you have thus far, achieved this with fat.

Now, you got to get rid of it.

As a former fatty, I see fat as a virus, a poison, an infection.

It is a full body attack, it makes you slow, tired, and weak.

You body does not just hurt, because it is heavy.

But because, fat slipped into, every part of you.

So as you burn fat, you pull it out of all the wrong places.

And you will hurt, less and less.

Ok, now, to begin losing fat instantly.

Get rid of your kitchen appliances, toaster, oven…

Every thing, that was killing you.

When your sweetie asks, what happened to the kitchen.

Give him a tap on his tush, and say we don’t need a kitchen.

And if he gets confused, explain to him.

That you will not, watch him die at 38.

And clarify, that it is not food he loves.

It is just that life got complicated, and he used food as a drug.

So you are simplifying life, because you care.

You too have to understand that, that you are not only to live past 80.

But show a track record, of having waged war against sickness.

Every time you failed, you are to show how hard you fought.

To get back on your feet, and fight again, and again.

Your friends are to weep, they are to see a great warrior.

A triumphant general, who successfully abandoned food addiction.

By laying waste, to the reasons for it.

And no it is not your kids, it is their crappy education.

You have to help them learn programming, so that they can stop being scared of poverty.

So that they, and not scammers and skimmers, are in charge of their future.

Once your kitchen, becomes a nice little fitness zone.

Get an old used, slightly rusted, bench press,

And always, always, start with the lightest dumbbell and barbells.

So that you can eventually lift, for an hour, no stop.

The bench press, addresses a flaw in your full workout routine.

Because your chest muscles, come-in last, when you walk with dumbbells.

Now, you should think of your body, as a singe muscle.

And your system of musculature, as being wise.

It has its own sequence, it will give you chest when ready.

But you can hurry it along, and the bench press is nice and easy.

And walking with dumbbells, is the routine.

Ah, you will probably want to jog, just to hurry your body along.

But that will be your own decision, as you begin witnessing your beauty.

I think walking is the big deal, because it is safe on your knees.

You can start right now, and we are just good at it.

Now it is very important, that you walk with dumbbells.

You should never forget them, because they will build out your back.

And preserve the muscles you have, as you are losing fat from walking…

Longer, longer, and longer distances.

I am not giving you, weird a nebulous workout plan.

You will get your kitchen back, eventually.

Though for now, your diet is:

Shredded lettuce (filler an fiber), and hamburger meat (protein).

And soon as you walk longer and longer, you will need trail mix.

Trail mix fills your intestine, with a reliable energy source.

With trail mix, you will never lose muscle strength.

There will always be ten minutes more, within you.

As you walk more and more, you will gain the power to go hiking.

That is just more walking, you can’t always jog in the woods.

Walking is much more powerful, than it seems.

You should visit your state parks, to test your equipment.

And then begin, weekend long expeditions.

Where you actually, sleep in the woods.

This is a good example, of hacking your will.

Hiking, is beautiful.

But also, removes unhealthy habits.

You eat a sausage or two, with all the fat tripped out.

You go to bed, at sunset, and rise at sunrise.

And to fill your days, you are exploring and walking.

You are literally walking, in the middle of hiking.

For fun, and it is fun.

And as you walk, longer an longer trails…

You prepare, to walk the Appalachian Trail.

Or the equivalent, in your part of the world.

The AT, is the most popular, in the Triple Crown Of Hiking.

I recommend you begin, by section hiking.

Again, gradually easing yourself in.

But also, that you cross all three.

The Appalachian Trail, The Pacific Crest, and The Continental Divide.

See how we stopped talking, about losing weight, and diet, and fat.

And looked at, real and authentic achievement.

One that will double, your life span.

That will pull you, out of stress.

And place you on a trail, where every step makes you a hero?

This is how you know, it is going to work.

Because this is not, discomfort or torture.

You are now facing, a lifetime of adventure as a bodybuilder...

And a true guardian, of your family.

And their health, and life, and well being.

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