Do Not Let Schools Trick You, You Are Very Smart
Do Not Let Schools Trick You, You Are Very Smart

Saturday • March 6th 2021 • 7:36:56 pm

Do Not Let Schools Trick You, You Are Very Smart

Saturday • March 6th 2021 • 7:36:56 pm

What we learn must be meaningful to us, it has to make us happy and fulfilled,

and that means we must make that choice ourselves, out of curiosity, or passion.

We cannot be asked to learn Mathematics,

and when we get stuck given a calculator.

For one,

You are a Miracle Of The Universe.

We have emerged out of countless billions of years,

of accident and fundamental principles of what we know as physics and chemistry.

You are a Royalty,

you are to be treated with Great Care and Dignity, that you do deserve.

You are an important link in the future of this planet,

you are to stand on the shoulders of giants...

Not be lied to,

by insane, over-medicated, vicious, and unfunny teachers.

Forcing you to take math,

without first showing you the tools and the need, is not education, it is robbery.

It does not matter what the hip teacher says,

because in the end they do not produce results.

And the funny likable teacher,

only excuses the behavior of the creepy ones.

To learn math, you have to be inspired,

by games, by generative art and music, by simulations that help you see your self in our galaxy.

The act of making you buy a purposefully overpriced calculator, maybe even the vapid self-published text book,

in a classroom ruled with stress by a teacher that just wants to get paid, under the broken excuse of putting food on their table...

In schools that do not show promised results,

and sell you on the idea of College, that will rob you of savings.

And then forcing you to work 26 hour shifts at Med School,

so that you have a hope of graduating with half the unforgivable debt.

Is an insult, it is a crime, it is evil,

it is harmful and destructive, it is a big lie.

And above all, it will all stop you from learning,

and force you into pretending you did.

It is crazy to try to learn something for no reason,

in a place that sees you as a problem to solved.

We can only learn by following our curiosities and expanding our predispositions,

building vast networks of knowledge out of love of life and universe.

The love that the schools will rob us of,

to try to fit us into a little box that they can grade and get paid for, while calling us names behind our backs.

And when bullies come,

they like it when someone gets hurt - that's why they sit there silently.

Real education,

is a massive superpower, an insight into the entire universe.

It starts with a stick in the ground,

as you watch the way the shadow moves around it throughout the day.

And try to re-create the geometry necessary,

to simulate the same motion, with what slowly builds as an unstoppable urge to learn math.

It starts with a sea shell,

that has a strange repeating pattern that you noticed in a young unfolding fern.

The Golden Ratio is too similar in too many things,

and before you know it, you are looking beneath the fractals to discover chaos in unexpected places.

It starts with a hole in your curtain,

the pinhole camera reverses the image, the light scatters when it hits a glass of water.

It scatters differently for different things,

the secrets of the universe unravel.

It starts with a glimpse of a computer screen,

something about those graphics catches your attention.

The game is playing it self,

in a virtual world, where you can simulate interaction, a game theory.

It starts with a strange song and UFO sounds,

that seems robotic and automatic like it is a computer program.

And now you are live coding music,

searching for patterns in the frequencies that satisfy our ears.

It does not start with,

"Please open your books on another worthless page".

It does not start with,

"Please take out a piece of paper, we have a quiz today."

It does not start with,

"Why are you failing this class!?"


that is how it ends.

We have a problem with all to easy following orders,

especially when we are young.

We are not equipped to handle broken schools,

broken promises, schools that have above all become a place of moneymaking, not teaching.

Once you are old enough to see the fraud,

there is nothing you can do to go back to middle school, or high school to fix it.

The only way to win,

is not to play.

To learn you need a happy and safe space,

where you are allowed to explore and follow your own curiosities.

Rather than a diploma, you need a beautiful portfolio documenting your inventions,

and all the companies you build along the way.

Being stressed, threatened with debt, or punished with grades, insane teachers, or bullies,

is pretty much a definition of how you don't learn.

And working within this broken system by cramming,

is not an achievement - it is something else.

The years that you transform from LEGO to Raspberry PI, and a Business Person,

and actually enjoy learning about Computers, Math, Science, Music....

Are stolen from you, by stress, fraud, broken promises, and sick teachers,

under a threat that you can't get anywhere without a diploma.

But, the truth is you can't get anywhere without a real education,

people know that schools are fake.

High School diplomas are laughed at, and college is beginning to be perceived as,

not for learning, but for having fun with people your age, and to prove you can do you chores (like a little child).

The right way to face life,

is to find ways to lean for real.

The fraud of education is so powerful,

that that even those of us who stand up against it still return for that worthless diploma.

The facts are, that everyone knows schools are not working,

and lemons are a rule, not an exception.

That is an enormous threat to your future,

no matter what happens, you still need to read and comprehend hundreds and hundreds of books.

You need to know Science for real, you need to know how to program commuters,

how to express your inner desires with art and music.

And how to at-least stop being scared of poverty,

you need to start learning how to run small businesses, and you need to start inventing real inventions, and asking real questions.

Even if what you invent is a somewhat large MP3 player,

it is still a monumental invention.

Your enclosures, the Bluetooth antenna,

the batteries, the SBC, or the version of the Raspberry PI Zero you choose.

Teachers you mathematics, soldering, programming, science,

Linux, Bash, Python.

And the way you build your website,

the way you present your product, or kit, or the bone conducting underwater version...

Will help you to, marketing, payment processing,

advertising, HTML and CSS, and JavaScript, React, Vue, and Svelte.

All your tutorials, from soldering to recharging with solar,

or wirelessly connecting to the server inside to look at stats - maters a great deal.

Will teach you about video editing, photography and lighting,

digital art and design, GIMP, ImageMagics, ffmeg.

This will make a beautiful resume,

and an Outstanding Portfolio, that will eventually grow to show what employers are really looking for: The Proof Of Exceptional Ability.

Do you see,

what schools are robbing you of?

Your real education is everything,

it makes you grow, and learn faster, it helps you dream, and it makes you powerful.

When you take to books and narrated books for real, when you begin understanding and admiring the souls and hearts behind the text,

you will discover many heroes and great beings, and they will influence you and your decision making as you grow.

Do not let schools cheat you out of real education,

real education provides real results, that result in useful things, and things that will set you free from debt and poverty.

Real education will not force you into unforgivable debt,

debt that will forever hang over your head until it is paid off.

Debt is creepy enough,

but unforgivable debt, is a whole different kinds of money.

Please, above all,

please, do not let them stop you from learning for real.