Build; Or, Until You Become A Great Being
Build; Or, Until You Become A Great Being

Monday • May 13th 2024 • 9:55:32 pm

Build; Or, Until You Become A Great Being

Monday • May 13th 2024 • 9:55:32 pm

It does not really matter, what the conspiracies are.

How culture, shifted again.

What has gone, and what has come.

What matters, is that you build yourself.

We are all beautiful, each a descendant, of countless generations of great hunters and warriors.

But Humanity, although still an infant, has done a lot of growing up.

The words “Know Thyself”, decorated the temple of Apollo, 3,500 years ago.

Standing up for love of wisdom, has been around for thousands of years.

Socrates is just the first that we remember, there were many others before.

Philosophy, is the mother of Sciences.

Before you learn anything, you must become a lover of wisdom.

Ideas of Honor, Truth, and Authenticity.

Dignity, Courage, and Greatness.

Are not optional, and they cannot be taught directly.

You don’t explain any of these values, by quoting the dictionary.

You have to live them, the words are just bookmarks.

You have to be Honest, Authentic, Dignified, Courageous, and Wise.

That enhances who you are, it grants you depth, and even meaning.

None of this, calls for any kind of self sacrifice.

This is all purely about, self betterment.

About building yourself up, about moving without doubt.

Wisdom and Dignity for example, prevents teachers from staining you in any way.

A human being, may not be marked by a grade.

The GPA is a disgrace, especially in context of ineffective education.

That some people are cramming, means it is a fantasy measurement.

But, no Human being can by marked, by anything other than Authentic Achievement.

Which is to say, wisdom, curiosity, passion, the opposite of being pushed along and processed.

You can start paining oil paintings today, if you just use a screen projector over canvas.

You can start composing by using a beat sequencer, and even a piano roll is just a grid of buttons.

You can start precision modeling in blender tutorials, or learn JavaScript with p5.js lectures.

So as long as you are curious about the thing you are doing, because to learn for real requires that you return countless times to it.

What truly matters, that you start with things you are curious about.

As they will lay down a foundation, for more.

Magic tricks, for example, will take you to science, technology, electronics, programming, and even to expose liars.

Your foundation, is something you stand on, to build the next step.

You have to build strong steps, because of how high you will eventually rise.

Cramming before a test, which is to say, learning things you aren’t passionate about.

Is something you are actually coerced into, those tests are tailored for memorization.

Today, school is not about you, it is about the adults getting paid, or money.

That is not something you are allowed to tolerate, you must learn for real.

You must not fake education, interrupt your personal quest to satisfy your curiosities.

Because, curiosity is the only way to learn, you can test politicians, teachers and parents…

By giving them the same tests you are taking, and they will fail all of them.

They only truly learned, what they are still passionate about, the rest was a trick.

And you are not allowed to trick yourself, all steps must be authentic.

And you are certainly not allowed, to let others trick you.

Every step and plateau must be authentic, as time in life, is precious, and you are not to waste any of it.

You are meant to live a life of dignity, of authenticity, and above all greatness.

That is what growing up means, growing all the way up; until you become a great being.

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