For All Your Achievements
Sunday • November 8th 2020 • 11:29:15 pm
When you think about life decade by decade,
you can see that it is best lived by following an upward slope.
Each decade should be powerful for us,
it should propel us forward and beyond.
We must really take the time to consider what is important,
what is it that our elder selves may regret not having done.
Life does come with an instruction manual,
it is all the Audio Books that will interest you.
From Memoirs, to Adventure, and Science,
and also reading in-between the lines.
Above all, we must take good care of ourselves,
life is not meant to be lived in stress, or fear, or at a great speed.
This is how we can understand those books,
and learn from them and inherit their wisdom.
We are each a miracle of the universe,
the GPA, the championship or scholarship, just does not matter.
Listen to those words,
Because you are already more,
than any of that made up stuff!
It is not the brand of education that matters,
what matters, is that your education, brought you wisdom!
With wisdom, if you still need to,
you will build your own Firm, or Company, or School.
Pursuit of Wisdom, guarantees that as each decade passes,
you will grow in Greatness.
With Wisdom, and the transcendence of limits it entails,
come our golden age, we will become far more, than we thought possible.
The most prestigious degree, is the honorary degree,
where a University goes out of its way to deliver it to you,
for all your achievements, and the goodness you brought to the World.