How To Study For A Pop Quiz
How To Study For A Pop Quiz

Friday • May 17th 2024 • 9:54:14 pm

How To Study For A Pop Quiz

Friday • May 17th 2024 • 9:54:14 pm

To study, means to comprehend, that asks that you enter the field.

For example, a programming pop quiz, demands that you are already a programmer.

This is the opposite, of what the teacher is doing.

They are simply sampling your readiness, for an upcoming test…

That will reveal their performance, to all the people above them.

They are allowed to throw away the quiz, but the big test is their performance score.

You teacher wants you to memorize, for your test, they call that study.

Because as far as state testing is concerned, memorization is indistinguishable from comprehension.

But there is even a bigger problem here, if you just memorize without comprehension.

You will not actually learn programming, you will have a passing GPA.

But no functional knowledge, upon graduation.

The teacher’s focus is on the paycheck, you are being coerced into cramming.

And the result is knowledge, being denied, or downright stolen from you.

Learning programming in particular, is quite special…

When compared to math, chemistry, physics, and biology.

Because as a programmer, you can study those subjects by simulating them.

Programming notation, is more rational than mathematical one.

And please search the internet for, “math as code” that bears the header:

“This is a reference to ease developers into mathematical notation by showing comparisons with JavaScript code.”

Sidenote: JavaScript is a special language, because it does not require variable type definitions.

You don’t have to say that X is a string of letter characters, or an integer but not a double, or some particular object, or a list of thereof.

You just say x equals whatever you need, and JavaScript will take care of it for you.

JavaScript has nothing to do with Java, it is the language that you still have to learn.

When you are mislead into starting with a different language, but now hope to integrate you applications and products with the web.

The compilers and transpierce are always second, to just learning friendly and kind JavaScipt.

I would argue that it is foolish to learn mathematics, without JavaScript.

Those who disagree with me, are ignorant, scared of learning, and certainly incapable of teaching comprehension of a subject.

More than that, there is a tiny little framework called p5.js, and as it leans towards graphics it naturally revolves around math.

Go on to learn how to use NodeRED afterwards, and you’ll find yourself getting a boarder picture of programming.

At this point you can start looking at JavaScript yutorials, where you will learn JavaScript as a stand alone language.

And finally, get to code server side applications with, node.js that will take you deeper into networking…

And deployment onto a bare bone Linux host, and and even self provisioning schemes where you distribute your functions.

It is somewhere here, after a few years, of just the most fascinating journey across JavaScript.

Where you will be able to pass your programming quiz, don’t be angry, a lot of this is going on in the world.

You must not tolerate cramming, as that is theft, whee you are victimizing yourself out of functional knowledge.

Most of your class, wants the GPA and diploma, to move beyond, to get out of the fraud.

But that just makes them, uneducated, inauthentic, part of the fraud.

You have to talk to them, you will have to try to do it many times.

You will fail at first, your teacher knows that everyone is scared.

And nobody will stand up for the truth, for comprehension.

And you can’t do it alone, they’ll just tag you as gifted.

And you’ll graduate, before you realize you got flushed out of their way.

You will have to convince the others, to just say:

“We don’t want to memorize so that you keep getting paid” we want to comprehend, so that we can break out of poverty”

“Build our own startups, so that we pay taxes not on what we take home, but on whatever is left after we purchase what we need.”

Child, there is a real danger, that if you continue merely trying to get to the next thing.

You will watch your children shipped off to Europe, under a mandatory draft, or it may happen to you.

The adults are not in control, the only way you can pass this pop-quiz.

Is by helping your class to hand it all in blank, and begin demanding authentic education.

You will need private AI trained on the best professors, narrated books, and plenty of adventure to make room fo them.

You need private personal, up-close, individualized instruction, this is now possible with the help of AI.

Go up to the most sane circle of friends in your classroom, and ask them for help.

At first they will tell you that they just want to graduate, but you tell them, that now is the time to learn.

Just softly say, now is not the time to go gentle into that good night.

The choices we make today, dictate the future ahead of us.

To thine own self, be true.

And that to grow up, means to grow all the way up until each of you rises to become a great being.

Please, you must resist ineffective or fake education, and help those that come after you to a better future.

Many changes are required for a better and safer future, the more you learn for real the more powerful you will become.

The only way to pass the quiz is to embrace authenticity, and reject ineffective education.

All the history's great beings are on your side, they are waiting for you in narrated books at the library.

It is not a mad world, this is your world.

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