Share Your Lectures With The World
Monday • September 21st 2020 • 8:51:11 pm
Recordings of lectures and digital materials should be put into public domain.
Schools should not to charge money for recordings of lectures.
Education is meant to be free, for the Good of All Humanity.
An institution may charge money for a live lecture,
with the teacher or professor available to answer questions to those who pay.
But that is not how it should be done,
not in the modern age.
The lectures need to be free,
teachers should be available globally.
There are only so many questions related to the lecture,
it is to everyone's benefit; to answer all those questions,
and release, a new and updated video and audio recording.
Do not stand in the way of a student,
find a different way to make money, teacher!
An institution that puts a child in debt,
does so at the cost of losing prestige and relevance,
it tarnishes the prestige and hard work of its faculty and administration.
Teachers, Professors, Deans, Administrators,
there is no money to be made by standing in the way of knowledge.
There isn't a single student on this earth,
whose wisdom does not influence everyone else
By keeping lectures under lock and key, and debt,
you are contributing to the very problem you claim to be a solution for.
Please release recordings of your lectures into the public domain,
work on improving quality and content, and removing any and all remaining access barriers.
Let the children learn,
let them in.
This is the modern age now, the age of Collaborative Encyclopedias, Streamers, Audio Books, and Pocket Computers,
help The Children and Humanity Grow, upload, let everyone in.