Don't Let Art-Liars Trick You: You Are Already An Artist
Don't Let Art-Liars Trick You: You Are Already An Artist

Monday • April 11th 2022 • 4:05:12 pm

Don't Let Art-Liars Trick You: You Are Already An Artist

Monday • April 11th 2022 • 4:05:12 pm

The school taught,

Are forced to think
that using original colors is wrong.

And they call this beautiful invention,
color picking.

They don't see the beauty,
of the process.

The light coming through the lens,
the microchip and being captured in a file, and framed in a theory.

This color is precious,
it is a gem, a true ray of light.

They also call,
the direct use of reference images: paint-overs.

they were tricked by teachers.

Teachers who took credit for their talent,
as we all have the talent for art...

Teachers just want to put food on their table, and look good,
so they'll put on a show that delays real education.

To truly capture the shape,
one has to use either Photogrammetry or a 3D modeling program.

It is not possible to capture shape with a grid,
because we have a great responsibility to the people in our paintings.

They are not to imagine themselves in them,
but to recognize themselves.

The names "color-picking", and "paint-overs",
are crafted to belittle you, to enhance elitism.

I want to underline here,
that use of real colors, and reference images - IS A TEACHER.

It is a teacher 10,000 more powerful than any human,
it is also a gateway into very powerful art.

Teachers and basically students that were made mad,
by the fraudulent teacher, have fraudulently shut that gateway for many people.

They shamed them out of claiming their artist abilities,
abilities that they already had, that they only needed some basic help to access.

In this way the story of art,
is a great tragedy.

It is a story stained by hate,
elitism, theft, and lies.

You were born an artist,
you have always been an artist.

This is a great and precious power,
this is why people will try to lie, cheat, and manipulate you away.

You must not allow people to shame you away from art,
use the original color use reference images - directly.


I'll let you figure out on your own,
what kind of people shame others out of beauty.

But be ready,
be ready to push back the shame.

There was a couple of morons that once thought they could corner Richard Dawkins,
while the words they used went together, their logic was complete sh*t...

And Richard's response was as fine and classy as always,
and you should use that on the elitist art bullies and fake teachers that are sure to stand in your way.

Just respond to their arguments of doing it their way with,
"If you're convinced by that kind of thing... you're welcome"

And turn around, and continue learning
by means of real colors and correct shapes.

It will take them 10 years what you,
what you can easily accomplish in two months.

They are just doing what you are doing,
though, with extra and steps.

But know that the price they pay,
is enormous, as fake education is the worst thing.

By not trully tasting real colors,
they will never invent color studies from within themselves.

They will never touch perfect shaped undivided by grids,
and their studies will be corrupted from beginning.

What can one teach the eye,
by training it with slightly misshapen portraits?

By contrast when you work with real shapes,
you are navigating the perfect map of a city.

You learn how to get around,
from the mirror image.

In order for your eye to eventually know when the shape is wrong,
you have to study the correct one.

We are all artists,
we were artists all along.

We have to fix schools,
become a Great Being.

Title-image Contest

Artwork Credit