#1850: Food, Body, And Mind; A Picture Of A Simple Integrated Workout
Friday • August 2nd 2024 • 10:40:41 pm • 4KB

There appears to be only one simple exercise, that will fix up your body and give you muscles quickly. I call it, endurance lifting. Where you work your way up to lift dumbbells, three hours per day, five days a week. For as long, as it takes. And it will...

#1849: Think Of Your Body As An Animal
Thursday • August 1st 2024 • 7:48:22 pm • 5KB

You wouldn't stress your fat or old cat, dog, or horse to the maximum, because you would be worried that they may get hurt. But knowing that fitness would make their aches go away, and put them into a state of second youth. You would begin strategizing, on...

#1848: Why Do Some Students Get Worse Grades Than Others
Wednesday • July 31st 2024 • 8:53:18 pm • 6KB

Let us imagine for a moment a school isn’t manipulating grades, and that the students memorization score is their own. Students who have already been challenged by life, will both seek functional education, and be less equipped to focus on memeorization....

#1847: Timeless Book Friends
Wednesday • July 31st 2024 • 1:10:58 am • 4KB

Humanity is not just divided by borders, but also by education. What may seem to you as obvious, and maybe a bit wrong to you, is necessary and vital for a person stuck in an old or broken culture. You begin with the narrated book at the library and...

#1846: Above The Common Levels Of Life
Monday • July 29th 2024 • 9:26:41 pm • 4KB

Bukowski, might have hinted in his poem "Go All The Way", that growing up, is not going to be sweet. He hinted that you may become a cast away, lose jobs, and maybe mind, as you rise higher, your mind will shift. My classmates noticed that back when I was...

#1845: Programming Has Teeth
Monday • July 29th 2024 • 1:00:28 am • 3KB

I think, that all teenagers must learn programming, and their first language should be JavaScript, the language of the web. Programs like Node-RED, p5.js and electronjs fiddle (fiddle tutorial), make for a really powerful introduction to programming. It is...

#1844: Adventure And Wisdom
Sunday • July 28th 2024 • 1:01:09 am • 2KB

Even if we had real schools, the very first lesson we would be taught… Would be to search for wise books at the library, books from which we can inherit the heights of wisdom and culture. I disagree that there are many mountain peaks, Humanity ought to be...

#1843: The Future Of Programming, Where Everyone Can Create Beautiful Applications
Friday • July 26th 2024 • 10:35:30 pm • 4KB

The world of programming is always changing, but now with AI tools those changes are more colorful. It is really important to begin learning programming, especially advanced technologies like Web Applications. User interface design, is now more adventurous...

#1842: Muscles Like A Chimpanzee, But Is This Really The Right Look For Me?
Friday • July 26th 2024 • 12:59:47 am • 2KB

It all started with my noodle noggin, some weeks after I took up jogging. After much huff and puff, I noticed that my legs got pretty buff. I was like - Ah Ha! - I knew it! this is how the bodybuilder do it. Nice and long sustain, muscle strain. Of...

#1841: Holiday Mischief; Or, A Tiny Little The Last Minute Thanksgiving Gift
Wednesday • July 24th 2024 • 11:45:11 pm • 4KB

Big holidays tent come as a surprise for me, I am always programming something and I lose track of time. Couple of times a year I am startled to discover, the city I live in shut down without announcement. Sometimes even after kind people at my gym, put up...

#1840: Three Shrieks At Nordhouse Dunes
Wednesday • July 24th 2024 • 1:02:28 am • 8KB

I descended down my ancient dune, for a lavish bath in Lake Michigan. That from where I was standing, was my own, and I shared it with nobody. Climbing the final bump in the sand, I discovered I was not alone. Or rather, I discovered I can shriek. And like...

#1839: Dare To Self Care
Tuesday • July 23rd 2024 • 12:10:10 am • 3KB

“There are more things in heaven and earth, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” This is where the problem starts, this, is where we get our smarts. Cookie cutter lives are a curse, and then it can only gets worse. Having others think for you is a bug,...

#1838: Programming All The Things
Sunday • July 21st 2024 • 10:50:31 pm • 5KB

Don't worry about AI, it won't replace the programmer. Just like it won't replace the artist, or the composer, or musician, or movie maker. A real computer program, is an extension of its creator. The two need each other, as their solution patterns match....

#1837: The Unusual Creatures Of My Suburbia
Saturday • July 20th 2024 • 11:20:19 pm • 6KB

You, know what, let me just flat out say it, during my jogging days, I was a strange creature. I don’t know what got into me, but I would just jog after midnight, and I liked it, it was great. My jogging route approached 10 miles, ran by my current gym,...

#1836: How To Look Nice: The Slow Fitness Advice
Saturday • July 20th 2024 • 12:01:06 am • 1KB

Signing up for the gym, is not something you should do on whim. The gym is hot, boring, distracting, and full of people who are merely acting. Gym is just too hard at first, of all starts it is the worst. I worry that if you give up on gym, you’ll also...

#1835: Do Not Forget Who You Are
Thursday • July 18th 2024 • 9:48:49 pm • 2KB

You are a unique and precious, part of the universe. You are not a tool, you are not a cog. You are not means, to some end. You are not an inconvenience, you are not a mistake. You are not less, than anybody else, You are not expandable, you are not a...

#1834: The Unbreakables
Wednesday • July 17th 2024 • 11:36:31 pm • 6KB

It is easy to figure out what school bullies want, they wan you to become a snarling beast like they are. They want to poison you with so much of their hate, that you will not have a choice but to hate everything yourself. But the Beast and the Barbarian...

#1833: Programmers, Inventors, and Wizards; Or, Life After Learning Programming
Tuesday • July 16th 2024 • 11:24:25 pm • 4KB

Upon some mastery of programming, perhaps modern JavaScript, a nice and rich language that spans Apps, Applications, Servers and Web Pages. You feel like you are able to speak with new languages, and many of your first steps reveal path other programmers...

#1832: JavaScript Starting Points; Or, Before You Program Your First Hello World
Monday • July 15th 2024 • 11:28:28 pm • 4KB

JavaScript’s real name is ECMAScript, and it has nothing to do with the Java programming language. It is a modern language, meant to deliver modern requirements, in modern environments. All the other languages claiming to be more powerful, lack everything...

#1831: Don’t Let Life Stress You Out
Monday • July 15th 2024 • 12:29:38 am • 6KB

Stress, poverty, hunger and homelessness are an old hat, and wouldn't be here, unless, the world was kept this way on purpose. The economic collapse, would lead to a better economy, one controlled by computers, and eventually free of corruption. But even...

#1830: Life After High School; Or, The Big Bada Boom
Sunday • July 14th 2024 • 12:12:15 am • 5KB

This will get a tiny bit dark, but you need to understand that your future is your responsibility. You must begin learning from clear thinking great beings, as soon as possible. Just listen to their narrated books, and let their, culture transfer onto you....

#1829: Bodybuilding And Fitness Feedback Loops; Or Dance, Trail Mix, And Dumbbells
Saturday • July 13th 2024 • 1:15:48 am • 4KB

Bodybuilding is a network of things, perhaps a collection of feedback loops. Sets, Reps, Hydration, and Skipping Days, will not work, it is far too superficial. You maybe able to put on shoulders, or chest, so a muscle or two… But this is a problem,...

#1828: Three; Or, Don't Let High School Slow You Down
Thursday • July 11th 2024 • 11:44:02 pm • 4KB

You have to take care of three things, your self, your education, and your future. Lets start from the end, you have to build a series of startups. Until some of them start sticking, and - well - make money. Startups are hard when done wrong, they are...

#1827: Rage For Wisdom; Or, Against The Hollow, Ineffective, And Sideloaded
Wednesday • July 10th 2024 • 11:36:13 pm • 4KB

Walk the great trails, bring books, narrated ones, so that you can comprehend them faster. You should start with overview of Philosophy, or Socrates who was murdered. Precisely because he questioned sideloading culture an beliefs, as way to control young...