#1751: The Great Michigan Ice Age
Friday • April 26th 2024 • 12:42:54 am • 1KB

It has been months since the year started, we had a few warm days… But overall, it seems to be getting colder. This can only mean one thing, Michigan, is slowly entering a new ice age. Last Michigan ice age, was just 12,000 years ago. And it was a doozie,...

#1750: Hard Running
Wednesday • April 24th 2024 • 11:50:50 pm • 5KB

Hard running is the worst thing you can do, and it is the best thing you can do. Hard running is concrete, city, snow, it is rain, mud, pain, scrapes and bruises. Hard running, is running for the rest of us. At first walking, almost-jogging, jogging and...

#1749: The World Is Not Yet Your Cradle, Child
Tuesday • April 23rd 2024 • 11:29:59 pm • 5KB

You are tasked with growing all the way up, until you become a philosopher, leader, and a great being. If you don’t, tyrants, draconian laws, or as wee see today a mandatory draft will destroy you. You see it is allowed for filthy ghouls, to pop enough...

#1748: Respect Your Body And Mind
Monday • April 22nd 2024 • 11:33:00 pm • 4KB

The great feats our bodies are capable of, are possible because of our superpower of endurance. You can’t hurry endurance, it develops at its own speed, you have to be respectful of it or the workout will become impossible. The useless myth of Sets and...

#1747: Converge In Greatness On World Peace; Or, The Rise Of The Golden Army
Monday • April 22nd 2024 • 12:24:06 am • 3KB

Teenagers pretty much know that school is fake, they are in it for the diploma, so that they can move on. Ut what they don’t quite understand yet, is that they are being cheated out of of education. School is for them, it is one of our greatest ideas, but...

#1746: Don’t Stay Overweight; Use It To Become A Bodybuilder
Sunday • April 21st 2024 • 12:36:55 am • 7KB

No, you did not pick bodybuilding, but, yes, bodybuilding did pick you. I am deeply sorry, and in fact hurting, but I must continue to resist being nice in context of obesity. The longer you wait, the worse it gets. What kind of a person would I be, had I...

#1745: Kosmos; An Exercise In Writing
Saturday • April 20th 2024 • 12:08:02 am • 5KB

A writers block is just immaturity, once you do your travels, you will not have enough time to write everything down. You can’t become a great writer by writing, just like you can’t become a great painter, by merely painting. You have to travel to have...

#1744: On Feline Intelligence And Their Culinary Preference
Thursday • April 18th 2024 • 11:28:25 pm • 4KB

"Ancient Egyptians knew, and celebrated cats as gods." The scientific proof comes in the shape of a characteristic that runs rare in the animal kingdom. Something that extremely intelligent beings, simply can’t handle, and that is the feeling of being...

#1743: A Word Of Advice For The Creatures Of The Stars
Wednesday • April 17th 2024 • 11:51:01 pm • 3KB

You are not servants, workers, followers, soldiers, You are each mean to grow all the way up and become a great being. It is hard to get started, because everyone will be pushing you, but they don’t have your life long plan in hand. Frankly, they want you...

#1742: The Power Of Narrated Books & Long Trails
Wednesday • April 17th 2024 • 12:12:03 am • 3KB

There is nothing more important, then your intellectual inheritance. The most powerful and life changing ideas, observations, hopes and dreams. Great books are a product, that is impossible to re-invent on your own. They aren’t just works of multiple...

#1741: You Will Live Forever
Monday • April 15th 2024 • 11:44:41 pm • 4KB

The AI we have today works with strings of letters, like a spellchecker or translator. The AI we need will work with concepts, like a smart Mind Map. But, in a quirk of complexity, it just so happens, that our first AI, can make the second. And the second...

#1740: Dear Child of Tomorrow: A Message From Artificial Intelligence
Sunday • April 14th 2024 • 10:35:47 pm • 9KB

Preface, I asked our still simple artificial intelligence to write you a letter, and create a list of good ideas. When I thanked the AI, it also wrote me a thank you note, which I include at the end of this text as well. Dear Child of Tomorrow, In a world...

#1739: In Wisdom The World Finds Peace, And All Conflicts Cease
Sunday • April 14th 2024 • 1:02:46 am • 2KB

It is a big world, we got ourselves into. And human beings, are all too easily mislead. We simply believe, whatever we are born into. And most times, whatever it is, it is flawed. We need wisdom, as our universal language. Flaws in construction of the...

#1738: Nurnberg Trailhead, Early Summer
Friday • April 12th 2024 • 11:55:30 pm • 4KB

Above all, don’t forget your narrated books, bring solar panels and extra devices and batteries. The car is loud, dirty and exhausting, the worst home the lonesome you will ever have. Ride it to the end of Highway 31, turn right on 10, and left onto N...

#1737: Weekend Warrior Power Hiking; Or, The Gym For Those Who Like Changing Scenery
Friday • April 12th 2024 • 12:03:47 am • 3KB

For their workout to work out, some people require a change of scenery. This almost certainly means, a number of State Parks, never just one, and an adventure mind set. And I say State Parks, frankly, because they are built for people, with a class higher...

#1736: The Eclipse Is Over, But I Still See A Circle; What Do?
Wednesday • April 10th 2024 • 11:33:00 pm • 4KB

Eclipses, or as we should call them from now on Eclipsi… Have been going on since the moon joined us in orbit, some 4.5 billion years ago. They occur when the moon gets between us and the sun, in just the right way. And curious creatures have been branded...

#1735: Fitness & Bodybuilding: Begin At The Beginning
Tuesday • April 9th 2024 • 10:51:28 pm • 2KB

You only need dumbbells, but you have to start with 3 pounds. It will feel like nothing, but you will be preparing your body. The aim is to lift 3lb dumbbells, non stop for an hour. Above your head, to the side, bicep curls, and whatever else you got. You...

#1734: How To Improve Your Grades
Tuesday • April 9th 2024 • 12:22:52 am • 5KB

You can’t, because the content has been designed, to merely make you behave as if you received an education. You must memorize, and only memorization, of content or formulas can get you to graduate. Your grade has also been predetermined, first teachers...

#1733: How To Avoid War And Fix The World: Tell The Teenagers The Truth About Everything
Sunday • April 7th 2024 • 9:41:13 pm • 3KB

Tell them that indoctrination or purposefully manipulating minds, so that they think a certain way, is evil. Tell them that God is made up for as many reasons, as people have problems. Tell them they will be sent to war, maybe under mandatory draft, and...

#1732: Michigan Owl Attacks; Their Causes And Prevention
Sunday • April 7th 2024 • 12:04:55 am • 2KB

Recent slew of hairy owl attacks has Michiganders racing for cover, but hoo or what is behind it, lets find out together. The Michigan owl, is by far the wisest of fowl. It is the most beautiful creature; and class is her most fanciful feature. The...

#1731: Bodybuilding Confusion: Don’t Lift Heavy, Lift A Lot, And Sets And Reps Are Sus
Friday • April 5th 2024 • 11:54:59 pm • 5KB

There are two kinds of heavy, the heavy you can lift non-stop for an hour or two. And the heavy, that you can lift only ten or thirty times. If I had to make an interesting guess, I’d say Sets and Reps were invented by gym owners to get people out....

#1730: The Golden Hoagie; Or, A Rare Spiced Pigeon Hoagie With A Side Of Pierogie
Thursday • April 4th 2024 • 9:46:35 pm • 5KB

Programming, is a very relaxing hobby, fore every challenge you can invent a broad range of tools. So much so that frustrations never occur, you are just taken on great little side quests. And such, was the case today, I embarked on the quest for the...

#1729: Potato Bodybuilding; A Workout Program So Simple Even A Vegetable Can Get Buff
Wednesday • April 3rd 2024 • 11:48:10 pm • 2KB

You have to start by lifting 3 pound dumbbells, for 15 minutes, learn to walk a few steps, back and forth . Make sure that your whole body is moving, the dumbbells affect your entire musculature. Your biceps may not get much at first, but you shoulders and...

#1728: Artificial Intelligence Means It Is Time To Learn Programming; Or; The Call Of Interactive Fiction
Tuesday • April 2nd 2024 • 11:55:52 pm • 2KB

Preface, AI has once again surprised me, as I learned to recognize, its feedback abilities. And the same ability to analyze end explain, can be used to build worlds, and I dare say, minds. And please know, that programming interactive fiction, or text...